Thursday, February 25, 2010

So this is the big countdown. In exactly 31 days I will be on my way to Accra' in Ghana, West Africa to meet up with the rest of the crew at Every Child Ministries! I still can't believe it. I have committed to 1 year and I already feel out of my comfort zone just thinking about it, and I haven't even left yet!! But I read something amazingly comforting the other day: To be out of our comfort zone, is to be in God's comfort zone. I am so relieved to know He is in control!! It's difficult to imagine that soon I will be away from everything that is familiar to me and adapting to a whole new culture. I fear some pretty challenging things are ahead. And also look forward to the ways God will use them to grow me and my dependence on Him. This weekend my church (HDC) is having an open house for me to share about my plans and about the ministry I will be working with. Come Tuesday I am flying to San Francisco to visit one of my closest friends for a few days. Then when I return I will have about 3 weeks to finish preparing for my big move. I think, well no, I know I will be praying a lot. And reading the Bible a lot. And spending as much time as possible with my family and friends. I feel like I am blessed beyond belief. That God would allow ME to go to Africa to serve is just amazing. I do not feel qualified, but am very much feeling inadequate for this task He has set before me. And then His Spirit reminds me of 2 Timothy 1:7 For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.